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2016 Christmas Minishoots Week 1

The first round of Christmas minishoots dusted off the cobwebs after being on maternity leave!

I had some wonderful clients and some cheeky little kids!

Little Master H was a real hoot with his very expressive face

I first met Master H when he was still in his mum's tummy and his fur sister was still the only baby. Bimini the pooch gave us some great laughs again this time round but was a wonderful poser for the family shot!

Over at the Arboretum I caught up with another group of repeat clients, and another rather hilarious pooch!

Last year we tried very hard to coax a smile out of the youngest sibling but didn't have much luck, but this year her sisters had her grinning from ear to ear with some rather funny antics involving a Peppa Pig stuffed toy. That did cause some issues with their dog whilst posing for pictures because she just wanted that toy!

In the end we got some fabulous family shots and I was rather happy with the final disk.

And Finally, one of my most regular families. I've loved watching these kids grow up, especially the youngest who was still in her mum's tummy when I first met this family!

There's always one serious one in this family and this year it was Master X who was determined to not smile at all. we did manage to coax one or two out of him in the end and captured some fabulous images to treasure.

There are very limited spots left for this weekend! don't forget to book!



P.O Box 965 Kalgoorlie WA Australia 6433

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